Selecting Online Data Warehouses

Online data warehouses are designed to consolidate information in a nonvolatile system that is accessible to all employees who require it for decision-making. They serve as an archive of data as well as a one source of truth, making it possible for users to evaluate data from various sources without relying on outdated information.

When it comes down to choosing the right platform, architecture and tools for a data warehouse, there are numerous aspects to take into consideration. Should the warehouse, for instance be on premises? Should it employ extract transform and load (ETL) methods or direct-to-database integration? How often should data be refreshed? What change data capture capabilities be used to record updates and feed them into the warehouse? The organization’s business use cases should be the primary determinant in the selection of the appropriate technology.

For instance, a bicycle manufacturer may use its data warehouse in order to gain insight into current customer behavior and trends. It may find that its customers are mostly women older than 50 and would be interested in finding out more about the acquisition life cycle model overview shops they prefer to shop at for bicycles. This data could aid the company in improving its marketing and development strategies.

In addition an IT team might use its data warehouse for the auditing process and regulatory compliance by efficiently providing the historical records needed for review. This can save the organization time and money in these processes, by removing unnecessary duplication of data.

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